I read something truly worth pondering in today’s devotional:
How do we grasp the depth and significance of love?
We can know the depth of someone’s love by what it costs them. How much does their love expressed cost them?
We can know the depth of someone’s love by how little the recipients deserves it. Has the person who receives love done something to deserve it?
We can know the depth of someone’s love by the greatness of the undeserved benefit for the recipient. What is the magnitude of the gift received?
how much I need Him
I have been putting God as my first priority for a while, and I’ve realized that the more I need Jesus, the more I recognize how much I need Him. It made me realize how scattered my heart becomes without Him at the center. I can lose my peace in an instant. Decisions and distractions keep piling up before me, each one pulling me in different directions, dragging me away from the steady calm of His peace.
I once thought the statement “I need Jesus every minute” was such an exaggeration. But it’s not exaggerated at all—quite the opposite. I’ve come to realize I need Him every second.
Just today, You have recentered me again and again. Oh, my Lord, my sweet Father in heaven, I am overwhelmed by the love You pour into me daily. The countless ways You reveal Yourself to me touch my heart so deeply. How could I ever do life without You? I love You, and I will always love You.