The Rhythm of Life

The presence

Yesterday, I met Julie and Shannan for coffee—two very mature Christian women. I love spending time with them. I’ve never had mentors before, but I now see them as spiritual mentors. They both carry a strong presence—a calm and confidence that’s deeply rooted but never overwhelming. I want to embody that.

Since knowing Jesus, this presence of Christ is what my soul longs for. Peace, calm, confidence, love, and care—every good quality exists within it. It’s a firm presence, unmoved by the storms of life. No matter how fierce the wind blows, it remains steady, just like Jesus, who slept peacefully through the storm on the boat.

Weird Dreams

For the past three days, I’ve been having high school-themed dreams, with people from that time showing up—people I never even talked to back then. In the first dream, there was a guy from high school who I had no interest in, and he wasn’t interested in me either. Yet in the dream, I was in his office, and as we were talking, he suddenly started touching me. That’s when I woke up. The strangest part is, the next day, while I was having an intimate conversation with my husband over text, this guy—who had never contacted me in my life—sent me a message out of the blue. What a crazy coincidence! But I don’t believe in coincidences—everything happens according to God’s plan.

This morning, I dreamt I survived a plane crash as my high school self, while everyone else perished. Later in the dream, I became a bold Christian girl, speaking openly about God. People made fun of me, calling me crazy for how much I talked about Him.

The Rhythm of Life

Yesterday, we discussed the importance of shifting from a goal-oriented mindset to a rhythm-oriented one as disciples. Goals often turn us into machines, checking off tasks without truly living. When we function like a checklist, we leave no room for our authentic selves to emerge, and it doesn’t build character.

However, embracing rhythm frees us from this “slave mode” and helps us focus on the present moment. In this way, everything we do becomes an expression of who we are.

Rhythm emphasizes the process, which is ongoing and ever-evolving, much like our souls. When we live by a checklist, a part of us fades each time a goal is completed. But when we live in rhythm, we continuously grow and evolve. One path leads to burnout and stagnation, while the other leads to renewal and transformation.